You’ve been to too many anime cons…

1.) Too many anime cons? There’s no such thing as too many anime cons!

2.) You’ve retired from cos-play at least three times.

3.) Neko-Con is not a con-tripp… it’s a Pilgramage!

4.) You’re running your own con.

5.) Your bank has decided that the dealers room is not a viable reason for a loan… mostly because the credit card company has you on a black list.

6.) The first thing you think about before you sleep is “I wonder if Kayt’s gonna wear that Daicon bunny costume next con…” (applies to males only… well maybe not, it is the 90’s)

7.) You still read and write to the con ML 3 months after the con is over.

8.) Your collection of con pictures remind you of the sports illustrated swimsuit issue.

9.) You see a treker and mumble “wuss…”

10.) Your anime costumes have become part of your regular wardrobe.

11.) There isn’t a single square inch of usable wall space in your room that isn’t covered with some sort of anime poster or wall scroll.

12.) You consider pocky to be a food group unto itself.

13.) Your body can subsist entirely on pocky.

14.) Richard “pocky” kim and/or steve bennett know you by name without having to look at your name tag.

15.) You rent the hotel room for storage, not for sleep.

16.) You can’t read the liner notes in more than half your CD collection.

17.) Your AOL/ICQ buddy lists are up in the hundreds, all of whom are con people.

18.) You can name at least three different roles that Rob Lantz has played.

19.) You remember the Sailor Stunt Doubles.

20.) You’re an artist, yet most of the drawings you have are from other artist.

21.) You see time as being divided into BC (“B”efore [I discovered] “C”ons) and AD (“A”fter the “D”iscovery).

22.) The costume you have worn for 5 cons in a ro “still” wins awards at cosplay.