
Anime University – Set up to mimic a college webpage but with anime characters as teachers lots of fun. NOTE: Will open in a separate window due to it’s size.You’re an Otaku If… – The title says it all, You’re an Otaku If… fill in the blank as many visitors have.
Anime Laws – These laws are based on the laws of physics or the lack there of in the anime world.Drinking Game – It had to happen. Like any drinking game but using anime as your basis of the drinking.
Purity Test – Take this test to see how hard core anime fan you really are, it might scare youAnime Songs – Just like weird al, songs with an anime theme to your tunes.
Anime Hookups – By picking your features in your mate, find out who you should get together with. NOTE: This is very outdated.Survival Guide – This small guide will help you survive being an anime fan.
Basic Guide – Help on being an anime, some are truthful and yet fun.Anime Definitions – Words or titles of anime with made up definitions.
Male Otakus – An ever growing list of why male otaku can’t get girlfriends.Female Otakus – Another growing list of why female otaku can’t get boyfriends.
HyperAnime – Medical condition cause by anime.Martial Arts – Descriptions of different styles of martial arts in anime.
Character Quotes – List of fans favorite sayings from characters.De-Otakunize – A 12-step program, helping you to stop being an otaku.
Too Many Conventions – List of reasons of why you’ve been to too many anime conventions.Too Much Series – A series of too much of something, IE: anime music, evangelion.
If I Become Series – A series of If you become something, IE: anime hero, anime villain.