Character Quotes – Slayers

1.) Lina: What to choose?
Gourry: “Get whatever you want, my treat.”
Lina: “In that case I’ll have this..(points then trails finger down menu) through this. “
Gourry: “And I’ll have this, this, and this, triple portions.”
By: StarfighterRich

2.) Lina: “baka jellyfish!” -StarfighterRich

3.) Lina / Gourry: “Hey, I was going to eat that!” -StarfighterRich

4.) Lina: “Yogurt for brains!”
Gourry: (Changes to chibi and pulls off scalp) “Want a taste?”
By: StarfighterRich

5.) Lina: “DRAGON SLAVE!!!” -StarfighterRich

6.) Amelia: “The heavens may forgive your sins but I do not!…(blah, blah, blah)…In the name of justice you shall be punished” (leaps from whatever high place she was and falls flat on her face with ass in the air or clobbers the guy getting robbed) -StarfighterRich

7.) Zelgadis: “Ruthless magic-using swordsman eh?”
“Lina: You like it don’t you?”
By: StarfighterRich

8.) Amelia: “Oh, I see! And I went and ruined ALL the food, right?”
Gourry: “Farewell, Amelia.”(does catholic cross hand gesture)
Lina: “Aaaahhh!! So if you understand just shut up and walk!”
By: StarfighterRich

9.) Xellos: “Now that’s… a secret.” -StarfighterRich

10.) Lina: “I thought you liked high places?”
Amelia: “It doesn’t matter how high the place is as long as it is stable!”
By: StarfighterRich

11.) Lina: “My chest is not like a washboard. They stick out just like they’re supposed to!”
Amelia: “Miss Lina?”
Lina: “Yeh?”
Amelia: “I was thinking..Maybe next time we should go to a spring that makes your breasts grow.”
Lina: “Aaaaahhh!!!”
By: StarfighterRich

12.) Lina: “Gourry..”
Gourry: “Lina!”
Lina: “Gourry…Gimme that sword!”
Gourry: “Now hold on, how about saying “Thank you” or something?”
Lina: “I can thank you later. Just gimme the sword! C’mon don’t hold out! I’ll give you 500 silver pieces for it!”
Gourry: “500? That’s only enough for a regular sword!”
By: StarfighterRich

13.) Lina: “Darn it, I can’t breathe. Stop it! Bad enough a younger girl has bigger breasts without getting them squashed into my face!”-StarfighterRich

14.) Zelgadis: “Look at what you did!”
Lina: “But but.. I needed to make a really big Boom-Boom! I feel much better noooww!”
Zelgadis: “You’re really cute.”
Lina: “Puri-Puri”
By: StarfighterRich

15.) Zelgadis: “Look at what you did!”
Lina: “But but.. I needed to make a really big Boom-Boom! I feel much better noooww!”
Zelgadis: “You’re really cute.”
Lina: “Puri-Puri”
By: StarfighterRich

16.) BAndit- ::after Lina beat him up::
Little girl, little breast!
Scare a dragon from it’s nest!

17.) Lina: How’s it look from your end, Bunny-chan?!
Zel: It all clear down here…and by the way, would you PLEASE stop callling me bunny-chan?!
Xellos: ::Gets hit by a fire ball:: I didn’t…see that one…
Gourry: You’re gonna get fat.
Lina: Mind your own business!
Gourry: Can I have one?
Lina: No way.
Syphyl: Are you in some kind of trouble?
::Lina and the others yell::
Lina: AAAAAAAAAAAH! That’s a pretty good observation!!
Zel: That is a secret!!! (Yes. He says that.)
By: Roxanne

18.) “Heed me now thou who is darker than dusk
Heed thou which is more red than blood
In the name of that which has been buried in the bottomless of bits of time eternal
I summon thee, master of the ultimate darkness
Have no pity on the fools who stand in our way
Infuse me with power, let your strength become mine
To wipe them from the face of this Earth
To deliver unto them the ultimate doom
Dragon Slave!!!”
By: Lirin