Anime Songs – Those anime Things

Those Anime Things

(Sung to the tune My Favorite Things)

Mike: Giant sized robots with wristwatch controllers,
Tentacled monsters that gobble up soldiers,
Demons and other dimensional beings…
These are a few of those Anime Things.

Music – mmbapa mmbapa

Crow: Bosoms that jiggle and please all the hentai,
Transforming Mecha with missiles a-plen-tai,
Bloodbaths and ex-plosions all in a ring,
These are a few of those Anime Things.

Chorus: When the subs end
When the dubs start
When I’m feeling bored…
I think of a few of those Anime Things
And rent all I can… A-fford!

Tom: Wizards and priestesses bent on world conquest,
Secret Kung-fu schools that think their technique’s best,
Evil conglomerates spread suffering,
These are a few of those Anime Things.

Music – mmbapa mmbapa

Gypsy: Shojo with eyeballs as big as a filly’s,
Ninja with weapons that look rather silly,
Huge metal Mecha with cute little wings,
These are a few of those Anime things!

Chorus: When the subs end
When the dubs start
When I’m feeling bored…
I think of a few of those Anime Things
And rent all I can… a-fford!

Dr. Clay: Bold ultimatums from Villains so Evil,
Innocent victims who wiggle like weasles,

Frank: Huh?

Dr. Clay: Just deal with it, Captain Von Trapped.

Dr. Clay: Unstable Death Rays that lay waste to towns,
These are a few of those Anime Downs.

Music – mmbapa mmbapa

Frank: Fearless assassins who show no emotion,
Rampaging demons who cause much commotion,
Earth Defence Forces who topple like pins,
These are a few of my Anime Sins!

Chorus: When the dress rips,
When the nose bleeds,
When the sparkles fly,
I simply re-wind my Dragon Pink tape
‘Cause I am a mad Hen-tai!

Special thanks and copyrighted to: The Emmaus Science Project and MAT3K