Anime Songs – Boomer attack

Boomer Attacks

Sung to the tune of ‘Summer Nights’
Copyright 2002, Michael Proctor

Priss, Linna, Leon, Daley, Sylia, Chief

Boomer fighting, had me a blast,
Boomer fighting, happened so fast,
Hit the core, squashed as can be,
Saw the face, scared off was me,

Unstable base, mind drifting away,
To, la, those mad boomer attacks,

Tell me more, Tell me more,
They can’t get very far,
Tell me more, Tell me more,
We need a faster car,

Uh-uh, doo-doo,

Past the cafe, people were fearin’
Went inside, boomer was clearin’
Destroy it’s life, send it right down,
KS showed up, smashed it a-round,

Giant tongue, conspiracy’s begun,
Wa la, those boomer attacks,

Tell me more, Tell me more,
Saw KS at near sight,
Tell me more, Tell me more,
But in only dim light,


One went rolling, industry area,
Started merging, fight wasn’t fair-ea,
Took it down, through power slot,
Smaller it went, smashed up the bot,

GENOM fling, who cares a thing,
Stopped another boomer attack,

Tell me more, Tell me more,
Camera got too much lag,
Tell me more, Tell me more,
Trap turned out large drag,


Nigel was friendly, holding Sylia’s hand,
Leon wanted Priss, the one with the band,
Mackey was sweet, just underage,
Linna decided, to just leave the stage,

Love life heat, interrupted,
By those boomer attacks…

Tell me more, Tell me more,
How much dough do we owe?
Tell me more, Tell me more,
A.D.P. gone too low,

Defeated Galatea, that’s where it ends,
Everybody had just become friends,
One last battle, the end of our gest,
Wonder what, happens to ’em next,

Dare to dream, we’re just to keen,
Those boomer attacks,

Tell me more, Tell me more!